Ouseburn Trust

The Ouseburn Trust of which the Victoria Tunnel forms a part, receives a well-deserved second Sandford Award. Now comprising valley tours in addition to the Tunnel tours, an oasis hidden in the centre of the Industrial heartland of Newcastle, adds renewed purpose to their rich and varied natural and historical heritage offerings. Clearly, The Trust continues to develop, going from strength to strength since the 2018 award with renewed purpose now offering a plethora of experiential visits allowing visitors of all ages to learn not only about the Victoria Tunnel but also about the geographic and economic environmental context in which it is situated. What child could not enjoy reliving history in a dark tunnel beneath an industrial heartland and what teenager could fail to be fascinated by the historical and geographical evolution of its surrounding area and its relevance to today’s commercial and community regeneration in both a local and national context? The Trust has succeeded in creating very varied as well as educationally relevant experiences combining history with urban regeneration, keeping both in balance with community at its heart. Ultimately, the increased offering will give the Trust an even more sustainable future.

Website: Learn at Ouseburn Trust


Weald and Downland Living Museum


Verulamium Museum, St Albans